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Member Bio

Ariela Collins 

Rockville, MD

Contact Information

Rockville, MD

Personal Information

Additional Information

Certified by a professional coach training school
Master's degree


I'm a Latin woman from Argentina who took a leap of faith and moved to the US to chase after my dreams. One of my biggest goals is to build my own family, and I'm actively working towards making it happen.

When it comes to describing myself, I consider myself to be a resilient and adaptable person. I'm always striving to achieve my goals while remaining empathetic towards others. Above all, I maintain a positive attitude when faced with life's challenges, and this mindset has helped me overcome many obstacles.

With a solid background of 25 years as an Executive HR Director, I've had the opportunity to work directly with top-level executives in various industries like retail, food & beverages, consultancy, and technology. My role has been to assist them in reaching their strategic objectives. I have regional and global experience at Google, R/GA, AbInbev,, Starbucks.

As a coach I work with leaders in a wide range of industries and countries.

Throughout my career and personal experiences, I've grown into an individual who enables others to unlock their full potential. I collaborate closely with leaders, aiding them in achieving their personal goals not only in their professional lives but also in their personal lives.

In terms of education, I hold a degree in Sociology and have completed postgraduate studies in Human Resources in Argentina. Additionally, I pursued executive studies in Business & Innovation at Wharton School and delved into the fascinating field of Neuroscience at San Andres University. I completed the Executive Leadership Coaching program at Georgetown University.


Mailing Address:

5614 Connecticut Ave, NW


Washington, DC 20015