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Reston, VA

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Scott Masciarelli, PCC, BCC is a leadership coach and mentor coach with business experience in the United States, Latin America, and Middle East. His global perspective is enhanced by visiting over 80 countries and working abroad. Scott has guided hundreds of clients to create and sustain success by showing them how to align their strengths with their most authentic selves. This allows them to answer the question, “what’s next?” in their career, business and life achieving success on their terms.

He inspires leaders to step into their full power and potential by aligning with their heart. This action creates ripples of harmony, starting with the leader and extending out into their organization.

His clients include leaders from multinational companies, government, small business, and entrepreneurs. Scott’s diverse experience and expertise in domestic and international leadership creates a unique and dynamic learning environment. He is multilingual (Spanish, Italian and Arabic) and is a contributing author to two books. His debut publication, Shift-Align with Your Heart to End the Career Blahs is scheduled for release in 2021.


Mailing Address:

5614 Connecticut Ave, NW


Washington, DC 20015