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HomeCommunities of Practice


Communities of Practice (CPs) are more than monthly meetings that center around a series of topical conversations. They are gatherings of intentional individuals who strive to be subject matter specialists – practitioners who dig more deeply into an issue and pull up experience and empirical information that can help others by moving forward with an ideal or improvement.

Shared Interests Within Coaching

ICF Metro DC Chapter’s CPs provide a way for professional coaches to share ideas, promote learning, and accumulate wisdom. Practical ways of doing that include:

● Identifying new ways of looking at common challenges
● Sharing best practices and resources
● Encouraging each other within the coaching community

Current Metro DC Chapter CPs

        ● Nature & Outdoor Coaching Community of Practice
  ● Agile Community of Practice




CPs are intended for professional development and the greater good, free of individual business promotion or gain. For more information, contact

Have you been invited to present a session addressing Core Competencies at a Community of Practice meeting? If so, click here to submit information on your session so we can secure CCEUs for our members.


Mailing Address:

5614 Connecticut Ave, NW


Washington, DC 20015