Coaches Coffees bring motivated coaches together for discussion and community. Some groups always meet online, some always gather in person, and many host a mix of meeting types! Regardless of where you work or reside, you're welcome at any group. Connect with a facilitator below to get plugged into the group that meets your needs and style!
District of Columbia
Capitol Hill Coaches Coffee
Contact: Paula Castillo and Sarah Miller (
Meets: We meet in-person on the third Friday of each month, excepting holiday weekends and the month of July, from 8:30 - 10:00am. Members can arrive at 8:00 for networking.
Description: The Capitol Hill Coaches Coffee is an intimate group that comes together monthly to support each other to evolve professionally and personally. We value the diversity of knowledge and expertise in the group, as it has been a source of inspiration and experimentation. This facilitates our independent thinking and problem solving.
Meaningful connection and participation are building blocks that create this community. This means we ask members to be actively involved and encourage everyone to:
- Participate in meetings
- Spearhead your own initiatives
- Share in various facilitation and related duties
Bethesda/Chevy Chase Coaches Coffee
Contact: Brian Schwartz and Shikina Tellis (both can be reached at
Meets: We meet on the second Wednesday of each month except July, November, and December, from 8:00 - 9:15 a.m., virtually.
Description: At the Bethesda/Chevy Chase Coaches Coffee Group, we focus on community building and professional development for coaching professionals. We are a collaborative community in a competitive world. Members are invited to join the closed Facebook group.
Frederick Coaches Coffee
Contact: Sandy Menzies ( and JoAnn Sheffield (
Meets: Sandy Menzies and JoAnn Sheffiled facilitatate the ICF Frederick (Maryland) Coaches Coffee. We meet quarterly on the fourth Friday in the months of January, April, July, and October. We used to meet exclusively in-person, though we went fully virtual during Covid. We are exploring with our participants the idea of returning to in-person meetings in Frederick.
Description: We use these meetings as a way to stay connected and engaged as a community, and to explore any and all professional development matters that interest our folks. We make specific efforts to facilitate networking opportunities during meetings, and generally host a speaker with some topic of interest to the world of coaching. Our speakers are most often part of the Frederick coaching cohort, though we sometimes invite someone from outside.
Our standard meeting practice is to gather at 8 AM on the day of the meeting for informal catching up and meeting new people, with the meeting itself running from 8:30 till 10:00. We then either stick around in-person till 10:30 for wrap up and more connecting, or lately, keep the Zoom room open during that time. The Frederick coaches are a friendly group, and very welcoming to anyone who may want to click the Zoom link and drop by! If you let Sandy or JoAnn know ahead of time, we’ll be sure to email you all relevant info.
Arlington Weekend Coaches Coffee
Contact: Aaron Abreu, ACC (
Meets: We meet monthly, on the third Saturday, from 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. No meeting in December. We meet virtually, with occasional in-person socials.
How to Join: Interested coaches can fill out this form via eventbrite : to receive the recurring Zoom invitation.
Description: Arlington Weekend Coaches is designed to support ICF Metro DC coaches and is open to all coaches looking to connect, learn, and grow together. Our group offers a space for networking, knowledge sharing, and professional development. We bring in guest speakers, facilitate discussions, and implement ICF coaching skills through interactive sessions like speed coaching. Expect expert presenters, interactive learning, networking, and community. This group was created to provide an accessible weekend alternative to coaches juggling full-time jobs and other weekday commitments.
Arlington/Old Town Alexandria Coaches Coffee
Contact: Jo Ann Lucero (
Meets: We will meet quarterly in 2025 on Thursdays beginning at 10 AM, ending at 11:30 AM on the following dates: January 30, April 24, July 24, and November 6. We may meet in person at some point, place TBD, we will keep you posted and announce any in-person meeting well in advance.
Please use this link to join the meeting:
Description: We welcome all individuals in the Arlington/Old Town Alexandria and vicinity to include: McLean; Falls Church City or environs.
CoCo Cafe (Loudoun/Reston Coaches Coffee)
Contact: Brenda Harrington( and Elena Vedernikova (
Meets: We meet on the second Tuesday of each month from 8:00 - 9:30 a.m., virtually, or as close as possible to that date depending on a speaker's availability.
Description: Our meetings focus on community building and networking, professional and personal growth, overall wellbeing, future of coaching, and inspiration. Meetings are primarily educational, qualify for CCEUs and are a combination of guest speakers, book club, and peer coaching and are always relevant to coaching professionals. Presentations will be facilitated by external and internal participants who want to share their specialty, a study they have read and would like to share, a book they would like company in reading, discussing and digesting, or the like. Internal participation is our bread and butter and referrals to relevant authors as guest speakers are encouraged!
Gainesville/Warrenton Coaches Coffee
Meets: We meet the 3rd Tuesday 8:00-9:30 a.m. of each month virtually via Zoom at
Description: We meet for professional development and camaraderie. Working in a trusted space, we seek to challenge and encourage each other in our professional and personal lives. Coffee group members lead the discussions around a topic of their choosing. We welcome participation from throughout the region.
Springfield Coaches Coffee
Contact: Kendel Paulsen ( and Laura Lenz (
Meets: We meet on the third Wednesday of each month from 8:00 am to 9:00 am (no meetings in August or January).
Description: The Springfield Coaches Coffee is a welcoming community in which we hear from new speakers, review favorite books, and promote our ability to make connections both in person and on Zoom. We coordinate a coach buddy program pairing practiced coaches with coaches new to ICF Metro DC and/or to the profession.
Metro DC Region
After Dinner Coaches Coffee
Contact: Monette Bailey (
Meets: Virtually, every second Tuesday of the Month from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Description: The After Dinner Coaches Coffee is a virtual gathering for coaches of all levels to network, learn, grow, and support one another. In 2025, we hope to add some in-person gatherings.
Treasury Executive Institute/ICF Coaches Coffee
Contact: J. Howard ( and Jo Ann Lucero (
Meets: April 17, July 17, November 18 from 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. via zoom at, Meeting ID: 160 268 4963
Description: The TEI/ICF Coaches Coffee includes Treasury Executive Institute, Department of the Treasury, and other Federal Government members in the Metro DC Area.