Collage as a Creative Coaching Tool
Presented by Andréa Watts
As an accomplished speaker, Andréa Watts combines her playful nature and intense curiosity for her specialist subject to bring you a talk that is highly visual, interactive, and thought-provoking. As the first specialist in coaching with collage, her cornerstone talk, 'The Science Behind the Art' covers the theoretical concepts, neuroscience and psychology that underpin the power of collage as an arts-based, creative coaching tool.
Using her own collage, Andréa begins by sharing her story of why she started coaching with collage before presenting her talk, which includes the:
• power of images for communication
• neuroscience of emotions and images
• role of the unconscious, symbols, and visual metaphors in coaching
• use of external visualisation for meaning-making
• case for creativity in coaching
Throughout the presentation you are encouraged to respond to slides which brings the theory to life and facilitates deeper learning. This is followed by an invitation to participate in an experiential activity using images to explore the theme of 'What I want from my coaching career.' Peer to peer discussion in pairs presents an opportunity to develop greater self-awareness around the theme.
We will gather back together to review and reflect as a collective in ways that allow contributions from those who wish to share their experience.