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An Introduction to Using a Systems Psychodynamics Approach in Coaching

Date and Time

Friday, February 16, 2024, 11:30 AM until 1:00 PM



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ICF Metro DC


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About this event

ICF New England presents, An Introduction to Using a Systems Psychodynamics Approach in Coaching

Register here (guest fees for ICF New England apply):

Systems psychodynamics is a branch of organizational psychology that examines the formal and informal roles employees take up in an organization to understand covert dynamics within a group and organization. This approach is based on open systems theory and group relations and uses BART, which stands for boundaries, authority, role, and task. BART is used to help clients better understand how unspoken assumptions, beliefs, and internal psychological experiences influence their workplace behavior. This session will include an introduction to systems psychodynamics coaching and an experiential activity that uses imagery and metaphor to understand implicit and explicit roles and non-conscious work experiences.

Non-ICF New England members - $20

CCEs: 1.5 Resource Development CCEUs

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Washington, DC 20015