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HomeEventsCoCo Cafe (Loudon/Reston Coaches Coffee)

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CoCo Cafe (Loudon/Reston Coaches Coffee)

Date and Time

Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 8:00 AM


Blend Coffee Bar
43170 Southern Walk Plaza, #120
Ashburn, VA   201

Event Contact(s)

ICF Metro DC


Coaches Coffee Meetings

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Join the CoCo Cafe: the Coaches Coffee of the Loudon/Reston area, which meets the second Tuesday of each month. Registration and facilitation is managed by group leaders Margot Halstead and Tanya Zinn Jones. Please contact Margo at or Tanya at to get more information, sign up, and get the location of this in-person meeting!

The topic for this session is: Annual Book Swap


Strategic Planning for the CCC – who wants to go to what to ensure we cover all content to share with everyone else!

You are welcome to bring all the books that you want. We had the following categories develop last time:


Most of the books fit into the first two categories, and you are welcome to bring all that you want. Anything left will be donated and you are welcome to bring one item and take 100. Or, bring 100 and take home one.


There will be an informal sign-up sheet for the upcoming Capital Coaches Conference held on October 10th and 11th. We like to put together a succinct PPT with all the content from as many of the presentations as possible that also includes all the handouts and visuals that we can collectively collect. All will be posted on the website for everyone whether you attend or not. If you are planning on attending, please consider signing up to alert us that youw ill be sharing the content from that breakout or main presentation.

Mailing Address:

5614 Connecticut Ave, NW


Washington, DC 20015